
Unique to The Tipi Company and exclusively available to all Tipi Company clients is our Cross-Hire service. If you receive an enquiry that requires an extra tipi or two, you can always cross-hire the tipis from us! We have created this service to ensure you can say yes to all of your enquiries. Also supplementing your business needs until you place another order with us.

The cost of cross-hiring one Big Hat is £700 + VAT, which includes the frame and canvas. We don’t hire carpet or all the finishing touches such as lights, chairs and tables etc. However, we will supply you with the Link Kits if you need them.

Our Cross-Hire Kit can be hired from our Head Offices in Bolton, Lancashire. You will be required to collect and deliver back any cross-hired tipis to this location.

Our Cross-Hire period from time of collection pre-weekend, to delivery back to Bolton post-weekend is:

Collection Day: Thursday (between 9am-3pm)

Delivery Day: Tuesday (between 9am-3pm)


All canvases and poles, inclusive of strapping and pegs, must be returned in full, clean and with no damages. If any damages have occurred during your possession, these will be charged for in full.

If you are interested in Cross-Hiring tipis from us and are one of The Tipi Company’s clients, please get in touch with a member of our team.          01204 860738

*Please note the Cross-Hired tipis we have in stock are “used tipis” – they are not brand-new canvases and there will be wear & tear evident in places.